Rewards & Payments FAQ
What do I get rewards for on MerMapp?
As MerMapp is a community driven platform, the thing you get rewards for is contributing content. So whenever you're adding any content - be that a daily challenge, an event, a second-hand item, a service search, a service offer, a pod or a pool - you will either get shells or pearls for your contribution. The amount is up to luck.
How does the shell conversion work?
Just like in real life, you can find pearls in shells, however, the chance is quite low. Actually, in MerMapp it's probably higher than in real life ;-). So click on the shell symbol on your bubble home screen to get to the shell searching station. Choose the amount of shells you want to open and click on "Search for Pearls" to see whether you're in luck.
What can I do with the shells & pearls I earn on MerMapp?
Pearls are our in-app money. Right now for example, you can prolong your subscription for free if you have enough pearls. So if you have opted in for 1 month of subscription, the next one you'd need 40 pearls to get your next subscription month for free. If you have opted in for 3 months, you'd need 120, and so on.
Shells - just like in real life - can be the potential homes of pearls. So you can open shells to potentially find pearls within them.
You get shells for contributing things in the app - so, adding content (also later on, when doing daily challenges) and also when opening your daily treasure. Pearls, you can get when opening your daily treasure.
Later on - there will be more things that you can actually use your shells and pearls for - e.g. buy cool things to personalize/pretty up your profile, vote for features with shells, vote for your favourite art of the week, things like that.
If there is something you have a question about that you don't find answered in the FAQ section, write to support@mermapp.com
What can I get in my daily treasure?
The daily treasure is a chance for you to get shells or pearls without doing anything but going into MerMapp and clicking on the "open treasure" button. After opening, you'll have to wait 24 hours for the next opportunity. In the first few days, you have a higher chance of getting pearls, by the way. Later on, it's a 10% chance of getting pearls and a 30% chance of getting shells.
I don't have a lot of money, but I'd still love to get MerMapp's premium membership. Is there a way for me to get it for free?
Yes, glad you asked :). There are actually two ways of doing so:
1) Add a loooot of valuable content. For each approved content you'll get shells or pearls. In order to get a premium membership for free, you need at least 42 pearls as that's the minimum you'll need for a monthly premium membership. However, you'll have to pay the first month with real money to get going. After that, if by the next time your membership would auto-renew you have 42 or more pearls, those pearls will get automatically deducated and used to upgrade you to premium. The next month, it will again check whether you have your 42 pearls. If yes, you'll stay premium, if no, you'll get charged with "normal human money".
2) For us, MerMapp is not a scheme to get rich. We want to provide value to the community. However, we're very few really working on this, so time is money. Therefore, if you want to help us improve MerMapp by contributing your skills to MerMapp, we're more than happy to give you a free premium membership for it in exchange! More on this on the next FAQ.
Can I work with you on MerMapp?
Definitely! We're always happy to have people willing to add value to the mermaid community, as that's our prime goal in the first place. We're espeically looking for the following contributions (although, if you have another way to add value to the community, just write to us via contact@mermapp.com and let's talk!):
Social Media: Creating social media posts every day to YouTube and Instagram is an immense time suck. So we're super eager for anyone with some good video skills to help us produce great content that makes others want to join MerMapp. However, we'll have to talk branding and content and the videos need to get approved before posting them. Posting itself can either happen via a collaboration or by you sending us your video and us posting it, crediting you for the production.
Marketing & SEO: In general, none of us at MerMapp is a marketing or SEO specialist. So if you are, let's work together!
Programming: 90% of the money that we spend on MerMapp goes into development. We currently have 3 programmers working for us. They're amazing, but of course, if we were to find someone who would offer their programming services for free or much less than what they're asking, this would open up so many doors to improve MerMapp. Just FYI, MerMapp is programmed in Angular-Ionic and Pythin/Typescript/Njs.
What does the premium membership offer me?
With premium you get a few cool benefits:
1. You get instant travel abilities, beaming yourself from one area to another without having to go via the travel screen slowing you down.
2. You won't see any advertisement.
3. You will get access to premium chats on Discord that help you connect with professional mers for networking.
4. You can create all of our premium content types: Events, second-hand items, service offers. This means that you can promote your own MerBusiness / professional services and get visibility to all the eager mers globally without having the issue of getting overscrolled on social media or the biased algorithm world of search machines.
What are the different payment options for premium?
You can pay monthly, quarterly or yearly. Of course, the yearly option is the one that will save you the most money, actually it will save you about 50% of the costs!!
How do I update my premium membership?
This depends on whether you're using MerMapp on iOS or not.
For anyone on Android or the website, click on the three dots at the top right of your profile to enter into the edit mode. Then click on the "Manage Subscription". This will get you into a view of stripe where you can update your (premium) membership in any way. You can choose to become premium, you can change the time frame of your premium membership from monthly to quarteryl, to yearly and you can also completely cancel it. Also, if you're a premium member, you'll also see here when you'll be charged the next time.
Will the premium subscription auto-renew?
Yes, it will. However, you can cancel it at any point of time so that in the next payment cycle it will not renew.
Your events, second-hand items and service offers will now only be visible to you. We won't delete them but we will make them invisible for others until you upgrade again.
What will happen with the premium content that I've added when I cancel my subscription and it runs out?

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